
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

20 Foods That Reduce Stress And Depression

Your mood can be directly related to what you eat. When you are too busy and tired, you feel stressed out; it is tempting to grab refined carbohydrates and eat them in uncontrollable quantities. Instead of reaching a candy bar or dishing out a big bowl of ice cream to make yourself "feel" better, try some of these foods we've mentioned below. These particular comfort foods provide the vitamins and minerals for our bodies. Here's a list of the top 20 magical foods for stress relief.

1. Oranges
Oranges are very rich in vitamin C and have the added benefit of being totally portable. Stress makes our body release even more free radicals than when we are in good mood. Interestingly, vitamin C helps to keep the free radicals in control, and repairs the body. Basically, it helps protect the body from the cumulative effects of stress.

2. Bananas
Bananas are filled with potassium, the mineral essential to regulation of blood pressure (which can soar when you’re stressed). Bananas are also great in pacifying and soothing the mind since they are rich in tryptophan known as an amino acid which boosts the formation of serotonin hormone (makes you feel good) and melatonin hormone (makes you sleep well).

3. Spinach and broccoli
Nutrition experts advise us to take enough magnesium in our daily meals to avoid migraine headaches and a feeling of fatigue. One cup of spinach provides 40 percent of your daily needs for magnesium.
Broccoli contains lots of vitamins that help replenish our bodies in times under pressure. This stress relieving food is the same as spinach which is a great source of magnesium. It is also rich in vitamin B, especially folic acid which helps relieve anxiety, panic and even depression.

4. Avocados
The monounsaturated fats and potassium in avocados help lower blood pressure. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute says that one of the best ways to lower blood pressure is to consume enough potassium (avocados have more than bananas). Moreover, it is also rich in glutathione, a substance that specifically blocks intestinal absorption of certain fats that cause oxidative damage.
Avocados are claimed to contain lutein, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and more folate than any other fruit. A single serving (about one-quarter of an avocado) has plenty of B vitamins, too.

5. Blueberries
Blueberries are crammed with antioxidants and vitamin C, which are potent stress busters. Antioxidants fight free radicals that damage your cells and also help to repair and protect your body from the effects of stress. As an added bonus, they're low in calories, so they won't make you blimp-like .Blueberries are also a good source of fiber, which can help relieve the cramps and constipation that can occur in times of tension. Mix the little suckers with some cottage cheese or eat them on their own as a snack or dessert.

6. Chamomile tea
This is probably one of the most recommended bedtime soothers. A new study from the University of Pennsylvania tested chamomile supplements on 57 participants with generalized anxiety disorder for 8 weeks, and found out that it led to a significant drop in anxiety symptoms.
According to the University Of Maryland Medical Center, there is some evidence that, in addition to calming nerves, chamomile promotes sleep. Just pour a cup of boiling water over 2 to 3 heaping tablespoons of the dried flowers (you can buy chamomile either loose or in tea bags at health food stores) and steep for 10 minutes. You will be really relaxed when enjoying this special drink.

7. Green tea
Green tea contains polyphenols that are powerful anti-oxidants that stimulate availability dopamine (dopamine is important for creating positive mood status). Sipping a warm cup of tea is a soothing activity that will help you prepare for the day ahead and feel nurtured.

8. Milk and yogurt
Milk and yoghurt are very high in calcium and B vitamins, which help to build your bones and are essential for nerve health. They also contain the mood stabilizer tryptophan, which helps to calm your mind, and explains why some people like to drink a glass of milk before bed.

9. Ginger tea
Taking a whiff of ginger tea can help improve your mood and give you a sunny disposition. It leaves you feeling refreshed and calm, and if you’re having a bad day, all those negative vibes will dissipate. Ginger tea is a remarkable stress reliever because of its comforting and relaxing scent.

10. Oatmeal
Oatmeal causes your brain to produce serotonin, a feel-good chemical. Not only does serotonin have antioxidant properties, it also brings a comfortable feeling that helps reduce stress. Oatmeal is an energy food that provides plenty of folic acid. If eaten on a daily basis, oatmeal can also help reduce your risk for heart disease.
Studies have shown that kids who eat oatmeal for breakfast stay sharper throughout the morning. And beta-glucan, the type of soluble fiber found in oatmeal, has been shown to promote greater satiety scores than other whole grains.

11. Brown rice
Complex carbohydrates are great for maintaining high energy levels in stressful situations. Brown rice and whole wheat pasta are complex carbohydrates that give you a sustained amount of energy throughout the day.

12. Salmon
Salmon, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, helps brain cells to function more efficiently. As shown by a study from Diabetes & Metabolism, omega-3s help reduce levels of stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

13. Tuna
This kind of fish, like milk, is high in B6 and B12 which are a prime source in fighting against stress. Tuna is also a good low-fat protein food so we can eat it at least 3 times a week to get the ultimate stress fighting benefits. However, there is a caution that we should avoid eating too much mayonnaise in our tuna to reduce unhealthy fats.

14. Oysters

Oysters are loaded with zinc. A six oyster serving, which is what you'd typically be served in a restaurant as an appetizer, has more than half the RDA for this important mineral. It is suggested that they're best served on ice with nothing but a lemon wedge.

15. Beef (Grass-fed beef is better)
Beef is a great dinner option for a stressed-out family since it contains high levels of zinc, B vitamins and iron, which are also known to help stabilize your mood. A recent study in the British Journal of Nutrition found that healthy volunteers who ate grass-fed meat increased their blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids and decreased their levels of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. These changes have been linked with a lower risk of a host of disorders, including depression, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and inflammatory disease.

16. Chocolate
Despite the fact that chocolate usually has caffeine, it's also one of the best foods to eat if you are engaging in a stress relief diet. Actually, most doctors have not figured out why chocolate makes us feel so good while some think it might be the antioxidants contained in chocolate. Because chocolate is high in calories so remember not to eat it too much. Obviously, when you gain 10 lbs, you'll feel even more stressed than before you tried to relieve your stress with chocolate.

17. Cashews
Cashews are an especially good source of zinc. Nutritionists show that low levels of zinc have been linked to both anxiety as well as depression. In fact, our bodies have no way of storing zinc, it's vital to get some every day. However, for those going on a diet, they should use a proper serving size, as cashews are high in calories.

18. Garlic
Garlic is rich in antioxidants which help neutralize free radicals (particles that have bad effects in our cells, encourage aging and cause diseases). Allicin, which is one of the compounds in garlic, has been linked to fending off cancer, heart disease, and even the common cold. Because stress weakens our immune system, it is necessary for us to eat garlic, which can toughen it back up. As long as you saute it in broth, not oil, you can add it liberally to all the meals on the plan.

19. Walnuts
Walnuts contain fiber, antioxidants, and unsaturated fatty acids, particularly alpha linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid. These compounds could be responsible for the beneficial effects on blood pressure. Other polyphenols loaded in walnuts have been shown to help prevent memory loss. Now, nutrition experts have discovered that these tasty nuts can help battle stress and may also help reduce C-reactive protein and other markers of inflammation.

20. Almonds
These crunchy little dudes are great stress relievers: they're packed with vitamin B2 (riboflavin), zinc, magnesium and vitamin E. B vitamins and magnesium are involved in the production of serotonin, which helps relieve stress and regulate mood. Zinc has also been shown to fight some of the negative effects of stress, while vitamin E is an antioxidant that destroys the free radicals related to stress and heart disease. However, you should only eat a small handful at a time since almonds are high in fat. Although it is mostly healthy fat of the unsaturated variety, it could still make you pack on the pounds.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How To Sit Correctly To Prevent Back Pain At Work

1. Support your back
A correctly adjusted chair will reduce the strain on your back. You should choose one that is easily adjustable so that you can change the height, tilt and back position. Your knees should be put at the same level with your hips (or even lower than your hips).
An adjustable chair can help you change the height, tilt and back position easily.

2. Adjust your postures
• Don’t hunch over the desk or keyboard, focus on aligning your head and neck right above your shoulders.
• Don’t cross your legs. This position could cause a buildup of pressure in your legs, affect circulation and twist the back.
• Rest your feet on floor. Your feet should be flat on the floor at a level that’s comfortable.
• Sit at a 135-degree angle. Compression of the discs in your spine can be reduced effectively thanks to this position, so you should remember to lean back slightly every now and then.
You may use a footrest to be more comfortable.

3. Place your computer’s peripherals in the proper positions
• Computer screen: It should be directly in front of you and about an arm’s length away. The top of the screen should be at eye level.
• Keyboard and mouse: Put the keyboard straight ahead, and keep the keyboard and mouse within easy reach. Keep shoulders relaxed and wrists straight when typing.
Ideally, the mouse should be placed right next to your keyboard so you don’t overreach or twist your shoulder, arm, or wrist when clicking.

4. Get up
Getting up is the easiest way to release your back pain. Walk around at least once an hour. You can go to a colleague’s desk instead of sending an email or just do some shoulder rolls to reduce pressure on spinal disks and boost circulation.
Getting up or doing some exercises is the easiest way to release your back pain

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rumah Flintstones

Rumah Flintstones Yang Kreatif Untuk Dijual  | Jika anda merupakan peminat  animasi kartun Flintstones, adakah anda akan membeli rumah yang menyerupai rumah dalam cerita tersebut? Harganya mencecah 3.5 juta dolar.Kelebihan yang ada pada rumah ini adalah permandangan menghadap laut dan pergunungan dan mempunyai bilik wain bawah tanah tersendiri. Tetapi kekurangan yang sangat nyata pada rumah ni adalah hanya mempunyai 1 bilik tidur sahaja dan 2 bilik air. Sungguh cantik kreatif. Jom tengok gambar di bawah ini.

Friday, August 31, 2012

10 Punca Lemah Dan Mengantuk Serta Kaedah Mengatasinya

1. Tidak cukup tidur
Nampak jelas bukan? Anda mungkin tidak mendapat tidur yang cukup dan ini boleh mengganggu fokus dan kesihatan anda. Setiap malam anda disarankan tidur sekurang-kurangnya 7 hingga 8 jam setiap malam.
Jadikan tidur anda satu prioriti dan tetapkan jadual tidur. Tutup laptop. Jangan buka facebook, matikan segala gajet anda. Jangan minum kopi pada waktu malam. Tutup lampu ketika tidur. Masih menjadi masalah? Dapatkan nasihat doktor.

2. Tidur Apnea (Sleep Apnea)
Kadang-kadang anda fikir anda sudah mendapatkan tidur yang cukup tetapi masalah apnea ini pula yang mengganggu. Apnea ini adalah disebabkan saluran pernafasan anda tersekat ketika tidur. Menyebabkan anda berdengkur dan kemudiannya tidak bernafas. Selepas itu secara tiba-tiba anda terbangun sesak nafas. Setiap gangguan mengejutkan anda dari tidur tapi anda mungkin tidak sedar. Hasilnya, anda tidak dapat tidur yang berkualiti dan prestasi anda di siang hari merudum.
Biasanya dihidapi orang yang obese. Turunkan berat badan anda dan jangan merokok. Kedua-dua ini berpotensi anda mendapat apnea.

3. Tidak cukup tenaga
Makan terlalu sedikit, diet yang keterlaluan juga akan menyebabkan anda lemah. Diet yang seimbang membantu anda untuk mengekalkan tenaga dan juga paras glukosa dalam darah. Apabila paras glukosa dalam darah menjadi rendah, anda akan menjadi lemah dan boleh menyebabkan pitam.
Mesti, mesti dan mesti sarapan pagi! Ambil sarapan yang simple seperti beberapa keping roti atau telur separuh masak. Supaya tenaga anda dapat dibekalkan di waktu pagi. Waktu pagilah anda memerlukan tenaga yang berterusan untuk melakukan kerja. Untuk fokus pun anda memerlukan tenaga juga.

4. Kurang darah merah (anemia)
Dikalangan perempuan anemia merupakan penyebab utama mereka sering berasa lemah. Ini kerana mereka akan kehilangan darah ketika datang haid. Biasanya tahap besi (iron) dalam darah akan berkurang dan meletakkan mereka dalam keadaan berisiko. Sel darah merah sangat penting untuk membawa oksigen keseluruh organ. Lemah, sesak nafas, sering berdebar-debar, adalah simptom anemia. Pergi berjumpa doktor sekiranya anda mempunyai simptom-simptom tersebut.
Sekiranya disebabkan kurang besi dalam darah, dapatkan iron supplement di klinik-klinik atau makan-makanan yang mempunyai kandungan iron yang tinggi seperti daging merah, dan juga kekacang.

5. Tekanan Emosi
Setiap orang pernah mengalami tekanan. Tekanan emosi anda mungkin melihat sekadar memberi kesan kepada emosi sahaja, tetapi ia juga memberi kesan kepada fizikal juga. Lemah, sakit kepala, hilang selera makan adalah simptom yang sering berlaku akibat tekanan emosi.
Lakukan perkara-perkara yang mengurangkan stress seperti bersukan, bermunajat kepada tuhan atau bermeditasi. Jika tidak berkesan sebaiknya anda mendapat nasihat psikiatri. Psikiatri bukan hanya untuk orang yang bermasalah mental ya. Jika anda mempunyai masalah emosi yang tidak mampu ditanggung anda harus berjumpa dengan pakar psikiatri. Mereka mungkin akan memberikan ubat sebagai satu cara untuk mengubat masalah tersebut.

6. Penyakit hipotiroid
Anda mungkin akan perasan terdapat kalenjar yang membesar di bahagian halkum anda. Kalenjar tiroid ini berfungsi untuk mengawal metabolisma anda. Apabila kalenjar ini tidak dapat menghasilkan hormon tiroid dengan cukup, metabolima badan akan menjadi bertambah perlahan. Menyebabkan anda bertambah berat badan dan bermacam-macam lagi simptom lain.
Jumpa dengan doktor dan mereka akan melakukan ujian darah untuk mengetahui kadar hormon tiroid anda.

7. Terlalu banyak kafein
Kafein membantu anda segar, dan meningkatkan kadar konsentrasi apabila anda mengambil dos yang tidak keterlaluan. Terlalu banyak kafein di dalam kopi akan menyebabkan kadar degupan jantung bertambah, tekanan darah meningkat dan ada kajian mengatakan terlalu banyak kafein akan menyebabkan anda menjadi lemah.
Secara perlahan-lahan turunkan kadar ketagihan anda terhadap kopi. Penurunan secara mendadak menyebabkan anda kembali ketagih dah menyebabkan anda bertambah lemah.

8. Penyakit Kencing Manis
Walaupun kadar di dalam gula tinggi dalam darah, disebabkan sel-sel tidak dapat menggunakan glukosa dengan baik. Tenaga tidak dapat dihasilkan. Akibatnya anda akan cepat mudah letih. Cuba tanya ibu atau ayah anda yang mengalami kencing manis dan tanya kepada mereka sama ada mereka mudah letih atau tidak. Semestinya mereka akan mengatakan ya.
Jika sudah mengalami kencing manis, solusinya adalah dengan mengawal pemakanan dan bersenam. Dengan menurunkan berat badan sebanyak 10%, risiko untuk mengalami diabetes akan berkurang secara separuh.

9. Penyakit Jantung
Secara ringkasnya, anda akan mengalami simptom mudah penat dalam melakukan kerja-kerja walaupun anda berjalan dalam jarak yang dekat. Perubahan gaya hidup adalah cara terbaik untuk mengelakkan penyakit jantung.

10. Dehidrasi
Mudah lemah mungkin disebabkan anda kurang minum air. Sama ada anda melakukan senaman ataupun bekerja di atas meja, badan anda sangatlah memerlukan air. Apabila anda dahaga, itu bermakna anda dehidrasi.
Minum air kosong sekurang-kurangnya 2 liter sehari. Sekiranya anda ke gym, minum air setiap kali anda melakukan senaman. Apabila rasa dahaga sahaja, terus minum seteguk dua. Apabila anda minum banyak air, air kencing anda akan kelihatan lebih jernih dan terang.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rumah Pantai Di New Zealand

Rumah pantai ibarat seperti pondok yang dibina berhampiran di pesisir pantai. Apa yang menariknya rumah pantai ini, ia dibina untuk memudahkan seseorang itu menghayati pemandangan keindahan laut dari dalam rumah tersebut. Sekali pandang, rumah ini seperti kelihatan buruk, akan tetapi sebenarnya ia mempunyai hiasan dalaman yang sangat cantik. Jom lihat gambar di bawah ini.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Top Smartphones With the Best Battery Life 2012

Samsung Galaxy S II (AT&T)

The Samsung Galaxy S II is named AT&T's top Android smartphone thanks to combination of a state-of-the-art dual-core processor with a terrific screen and amazing battery life. The AT&T SGSII comes with a 1650 mAh battery which is above average and will last most users more than the average work day. In addition, the Samsung Galaxy S II boasts a beautiful display and a thin design. Running on Android 2.3.4 and a dual-core processor, the Gingerbread device delivers fast performance with excellent battery life and good camera.

Continuous talk time: 11 hours 7 minutes

Motorola Atrix 2 (AT&T)

The Motorola Atrix 2 comes with a 1785MAH battery from the Factory which is able to keep the phone powered all day.

Continuous talk time: 10 hours 43 minutes
Continuous talk time: 10 hours 43 minutes

Motorola Droid Bionic (Verizon Wireless)

Thanks to powerful processor, speedy LTE modem and Lithium-ion based battery HLI-XT875SL, Motorola Droid Bionic provides 10 hours 35 minutes of continuous talk time
Thanks to powerful processor, speedy LTE modem and Lithium-ion based battery HLI-XT875SL, Motorola Droid Bionic provides 10 hours 35 minutes of continuous talk time
Motorola Droid 3 (Verizon Wireless)

Motorola Droid 3, the world’s thinnest full QWERTY Smartphone with core 1 GHz processor for fast multi-tasking and smooth multimedia viewing, boosts 9 hours 53 minutes of continuous talk time
Motorola Droid 3, the world’s thinnest full QWERTY Smartphone with core 1 GHz processor for fast multi-tasking and smooth multimedia viewing, boosts 9 hours 53 minutes of continuous talk time
Pantech Breakout (Verizon Wireless)

In addition of having a very generous address book, Bluetooth, texting and multimedia messaging, Wi-Fi, Google services, music player and many other interesting ones, the midrange smartphone Pantech Breakout provides 5.8 hours of talk time and 12.6 days in standby
In addition of having a very generous address book, Bluetooth, texting and multimedia messaging, Wi-Fi, Google services, music player and many other interesting ones, the midrange smartphone Pantech Breakout provides 5.8 hours of talk time and 12.6 days in standby
Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch (Sprint)

The Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch, the top Android choice for Sprint, is powered with a rich, gorgeous screen, a speedy dual-core processor and 8 hours 48 minutes continuous talk time
The Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch, the top Android choice for Sprint, is powered with a rich, gorgeous screen, a speedy dual-core processor and 8 hours 48 minutes continuous talk time
Motorola Photon 4G (Sprint)

The The Motorola Photon 4G is made perfect with excellent battery life, at 8 hours and 20 minutes of 3G talk time
The The Motorola Photon 4G is made perfect with excellent battery life, at 8 hours and 20 minutes of 3G talk time
T-Mobile myTouch 4G

The T-Mobile myTouch 4G ships with great softwares and a new extended battery HLI-PG59100XL which extends standard battery life more than twice
The T-Mobile myTouch 4G ships with great softwares and a new extended battery HLI-PG59100XL which extends standard battery life more than twice
The longest battery life for android phones

World's Best and Worst Airports 2011

Not only is an important contributor to the Hong Kong economy, but Hong Kong International Airport also is one of world’s best airports. Furthermore, this airport has won World’s Best Airport award seven times in 10 years for its minimalist, modernist design, luxury shopping and other features such as free wireless internet. In addition, HKIA also operates one of the world's largest passenger terminal buildings and serves twenty-four hours a day. Also known as Chek Lap Kok Airport, Hong Kong International Airport is built on the island of Chek Lap Ko and about 90 airlines operate flights from the airport to over 150 cities across the globe.

Hong Kong International Airport runs twenty-four hours a day to provide 90 airlines operating flights from the airport to over 150 cities across the globe

Hong Kong International Airport runs twenty-four hours a day to provide 90 airlines operating flights from the airport to over 150 cities across the globe

Changi International Airport, Singapore

Landing the second place, Changi International Airport serves over 100 airlines flying off to some 200 cities in about 60 countries and territories worldwide
Landing the second place, Changi International Airport serves over 100 airlines flying off to some 200 cities in about 60 countries and territories worldwide

Incheon International Airport, South Korean
Serving as a hub for international civilian air transportation and cargo traffic in East Asia, Incheon International Airport is currently Asia's eighth busiest airport by passengers, the world's fourth busiest airport in terms of cargo traffic, and the world's eighth busiest airport by international passengers in 2010.

Incheon International Airport promisingly provides passengers the fastest departure procedures which will take no more than 45 minutes
Incheon International Airport promisingly provides passengers the fastest departure procedures which will take no more than 45 minutes

Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia

With the design mixes futuristic technology, Malaysia culture and natural resources through a rainforest in the middle of the terminal, Kuala Lumpur International Airport has become one of the key economic strengths for the nation
With the design mixes futuristic technology, Malaysia culture and natural resources through a rainforest in the middle of the terminal, Kuala Lumpur International Airport has become one of the key economic strengths for the nation

Munich Airport, Germany

Munich Airport was named the Best Airport in Europe and the fourth-best in the world
Munich Airport was named the Best Airport in Europe and the fourth-best in the world

World’s Worst Airports

Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Manila
Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia), particularly Terminal 1, now ranks No. 1 among the “Worst Airports in the World” including the collapse of a portion of a ceiling plaster in May, which prompted an inspection by government officials led by President Aquin.

Because it was in bad shape, (NAIA) Terminal 1 was ranked No. 1 as the worst airport. It also warned passengers about sleeping at NAIA 1 because of the existence of bribery and theft
Because it was in bad shape, (NAIA) Terminal 1 was ranked No. 1 as the worst airport. It also warned passengers about sleeping at NAIA 1 because of the existence of bribery and theft

Paris Beauvais, France

Beauvais-Tillé Airport serves international destinations in Eastern Europe and around the Mediterranean Sea with low-cost airlines
Beauvais-Tillé Airport serves international destinations in Eastern Europe and around the Mediterranean Sea with low-cost airlines

Keflavik International Airport, Iceland

Keflavík International Airport is Iceland's main and largest international airport but this is one of the worst airports around the world
Keflavík International Airport is Iceland's main and largest international airport but this is one of the worst airports around the world

Bergamo-Orio al Serio Airport, Italy

Bergamo-Orio al Serio Airport in Italy
Bergamo-Orio al Serio Airport in Italy